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06 February, 2025   |   7 Sha‘bān, 1446

Tashkent city
06 February, 2025, 7 Sha‘bān, 1446

The admission of the Mufti of Uzbekistan Sheikh Nuriddin Khaliknazar to the prestigious organization is a high recognition of reforms in the religious and educational sphere.

3.07.2023   29902   9 min.
The admission of the Mufti of Uzbekistan Sheikh Nuriddin Khaliknazar to the prestigious organization is a high recognition of reforms in the religious and educational sphere.

Congratulations from the Ulama (Highly prominent religious scholars) Council of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan.

Thanks to the Creator, the reforms in the religious and educational sphere carried out in the new era of our development are highly recognized in the Muslim world. In recent years, the full provision of freedom of conscience and faith in our country, the rapid development of relations with Arab-Muslim countries and the activation of cooperation with influential organizations are a clear confirmation of our opinion.

Recently, the chairman of Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Kholiknazar Hazrat was accepted as a member of the International Council of Muslim Ulama and began to work in the ranks of this international organization. It has been a great result of significant work in this sphere. Also, this status is an international recognition of reforms in the religious and educational sphere carried out in new Uzbekistan and is a high assessment of the contribution of the ulama of our country to the development of our religion.

The letter addressed to Muslim Board of Uzbekistan by the chairman of the International Council of Muslim scholars, professor Dr. Ali Muhyiddin Karadoghiy, reads:

 - The International Council of Muslim scholars wishes you constant health and success, expressing its high esteem. I send my sincere greetings and high reverence to you and to Muslim Board of Uzbekistan...

 I am pleased to inform you that the Chairman of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Kholiknazar was accepted as a member of the international Muslim Ulama Council of His Highness.

 We believe that the participation of Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Kholiknazar's Highness in the ranks of the International Muslim Ulama Council will further develop our joint efforts in the service of Islam and muslims all over the world.

At the same time, a separate letter from the Head of this International organization to the Chairman of Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, the virtuous Sheikh Nuriddin Kholiknazar hafizahullah Hazrat, begins with such sentences:

 - The International Council of Muslim Ulama wishes you to always be healthy and successful, expressing its highest respect and reverence.

 We ask Allah to help you to be active member supporting the activities of the organization, to help in the service of the Muslim community, to make your contribution to the realization of its goals in solving various problems...

It should be noted that professor Dr. Ali Muhyiddin Karadoghiy expressed satisfaction in his letters that he had the opportunity to cooperate with the Ulama of Muslim Board of Uzbekistan. It was hoped to strengthen solidarity among Muslims and find a joint solution to existing problems. He also expressed confidence that these cooperation ties will serve as a solid foundation for these higher goals and will provide the basis for the exchange of scientific and educational experience.

It should be noted that the acceptance of Sheikh Nuriddin Kholiknazar's Highness in this prestigious organization is the result of the 35 years of hard work with the support of Allah in spreading the enlightenment of Islam and ensuring the need for Muslims.

In the Mufti activities of the Shaykh Hazrat, there are worthy contributions to the reforms of our country particularly, the launch of research centers, the establishment of a Fatwa Center, the opening of mosques and madrasas, Quran courses, improvement of activities of researches of the heritage of Ulama and a sharp increase in the number of pilgrims, of course.

The proposals of the Mufti Highness at international conferences in Saudi Arabia, the Arab Republic of Egypt, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Germany and Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan were highly appreciated in the international arena as a solution to religious and educational reforms and problems that afflict Muslims.

Sheikh makes regular appearances in our country and foreign media. In particular, the number of permanent observers on social networks is more than 2 million 200 thousand people. 10 books and CDs, DVDs have been published describing the themes of Allah's spiritual upbringing, decency, enlightenment, child-rearing, parental veneration, and feelings of love for the motherland.

Mufti Highness were elected to responsible duties such as the supreme governing bodies of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan — the Council of Ulama, the Chairman of the Supreme Jury, the Chairman of the international scientific council of the Imam Moturidi International Research Center. He was also awarded the scientific title "Honorary doctor" by the Scientific Council of the International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan.

The next rank and status of Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Kholiknazar imposes honor and responsibility on His Highness.

As additional information, the International Muslim ulama council is an independent, prestigious organization formed in 2004 by 50 Ulama. It is headquartered in Doha, the capital of Qatar.

 The goals of the organization are: to increase the status of Ulama in society, to develop proposals for solving problems of communities, and to make practical efforts.

 The organization's tasks are: to broaden the education of the Islamic religion, to bring the teachings of Islam to the public through modern media and propaganda, as well as to build on science and moderation in every activity and to deal with important issues in the lives of Muslims.

The organization’s structure and form of government: the council is headed by the secretary-general and his three deputies. The council also includes such chapters as "admission to membership", "fikh and fatwas", "culture, ideas and studies", "Islamic issues", "working with the media and the public", "translations and interpretation", and "dialogue".

 The International Council of Muslim ulama has done several important things in its history. In particular, it made a worthy contribution to the establishment of peace in the Darfur region of Sudan.

It has produced fatwas on "against kidnapping and trafficking" and "on the grave sin of killing innocent people". It also publishes its own attitudes and statements on the unrest in certain countries.

Currently, the Council has 46 of the most prominent influential Ulama members in the Muslim world. The late Sheikh Mohammed Sadiq Muhammad Yusuf Hazrat had been a member of this organization during his lifetime.

The participation of Mufti Sheikh Nuriddin Kholiknazar Hazrat, Chairman of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, in this organization serves as an important factor in further strengthening Uzbekistan's cooperation with the Muslim world, finding solutions to the problems ahead of us and strengthening the solidarity of the Islamic community.

Also, the appropriate participation of the members of our country in international conferences makes an important contribution to the world community to further promote the scientific heritage of our scholars and bring to a new level the work in the direction of combating against ignorance.


Ulama Council of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan,

 June 27, 2023, Hijri 1444 year 9-Zulhijja,

 Tashkent City


Muslim Board of Uzbekistan

Press service


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Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur

15.01.2025   10304   12 min.
Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur

Bismillahir Rohmanir Rohiym

Do you know about the life and activity of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur? The name of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur in the history of Uzbekistan is on a par with such political figures and military leaders as Jaloliddin Manguberdi, Amir Timur,  Mirzo Ulugbek and Mir Alisher Navoi. A direct descendant of Timur, Babur created an empire of Baburids in India (in the western sources it is known as Mughal Empire) and was a loyal son of his country and the rest of his life he was fighting for its welfare and prosperity.

Babur was the son of the Timurid prince Umarsheykh, the ruler of the Fergana region. He was born on February 14, in 1483 in Andijan. At the age of 12 years, resulting in the tragic death of his father, he became the new ruler and started a brutal struggle for power in Mawarannahr. During 1494-1496, while still a teenager, Babur participated in the battles of Samarkand, where he first met on the battlefield with his most powerful enemy, Sheybani Khan, who had an enormous impact on the fate of Babur.  Most of his life Babur spent in military campaigns and battles. He tried unsuccessfully to unite the separated regions of Mawarannahr and create a new great state of Temurids. His dream was realized in India, where he went with his troops in 1526. Babur succeeded in laying the basis for the Great Mughal Dynasty in India, which had existed for about 300 years. His ideas preached the establishment of harmony among the peoples and spread of education among the general population.

He died in 1530, December 26, in Agra. His grave was in Agra but then it was brought to Kabul and buried there.

Along with his military and political activities Babur was a great poet, whose rubais (lyric quatrains) delight and inspire many people even today. He wrote one of the most famous oriental works in world literature: “Baburnama”. “Baburnama” is personal letters of Babur, which he has kept throughout life and collected in one work. “Baburnama” is not only a description of the personal life of the author, but also a valuable source for studying the history, culture and life of the peoples, flora and fauna of various areas visited by Babur.

He gathered his lyric testament in 1519 in Kabul into “Kabul Devonu”, and in 528 – 1529 in “Hind Devoni”.

There is the information that he created the completed devon. The general amount of his poems is more than 400. 119 of them are written in such as style that is called “gazal” and 231 of them are “ruboi”.

“Boburnoma” was translated into Farsiy/Persian in 1586, into Dunish in 1705 by Vitsen, into English in 1826 by J. Layden and V.Erskin, into French in 1871 by P. de Kurtail, into Turkish in the XX th century by Rashit Rahmat and into Russian by Michail Salye.

During 1826-1985 “Boburname” was translated four times into English (1826, 1905, 1921, 1922) three times into French (1878, 1980, 1985) and only once into German. Among them there are such novels “Boburhan”, which was written by Flora Ann Stealning (Paris, 1940), “Bobur” by Fernand Grenardning (Paris, 1930), “Bobur-Tiger” by Garold Lamb (New York, 1961), “Bobur and his ancestors or Great Moguls” (New York, 1980) by Vamber Gaskoin. The Indian Munil`al wrote 6 novels about Boburids.

Russian and West European scientists such as Veselovskiy, Ilminskiy, Erskin, Eduard Holden, and Elfiniston appreciated “Boburnoma”. Javaharlal Neru wrote in his book “The discovering of India” about Bobur and Bobur`s generation influence on development of India and the world`s civilization.

In Uzbek Literature such writers as Qodirov P., Bayqobilov B., Sultonov H. devoted their novels, and short stories and “doston” to Bobur.

Zohidov V., Azimjonova S., Shamsiyev P., Hasanov S. wrote their books about the creative work of Bobur. During the last years the scientists of National University of Uzbekistan did their investigations on the style of Bobur`s lyric poetry according to his work “Mubayyin”.

Bobur`s “Mubayyin-l-zakot” gives us information on the tax work of 1521.

And his work “Muxtasar”, which was written in 1523 -1525, is about “aruz”. These two works have been kept till today. Bobur was also engaged in translation. He translated Hoja Ahror`s work “Volidiya” from Persian/Farsi into Uzbek. There is also the information that Bobur wrote such books as “Harb ishi” (Military Work) and “Musiqa ilmi” (“The knowledge of Music”), but they were not found.

Babur’s poetry also touched upon the issues of morality and spiritual perfection of man. The poet elevates a person, treats him with great respect, puts high human dignity. He rejects what contradicts him. According to Babur, selfishness, selfishness, greed, vanity are bad qualities that destroy a person. The poet gives sincere advice to people. In his ruboiy, he talks about how a person should cultivate the best moral qualities in himself.

Touching on this topic, the poet sees the main goal of human life in kindness, generosity, nobility and honesty. He considers friendship the most important side of human quality and a powerful force in the fight against the enemy.

Speaking about the artistic language of Babur’s works, it is necessary to note its simplicity, general accessibility, clarity and conciseness. The poet does not like loud phrases and complex expressions. The simplicity of Babur’s language contributes to a clear perception by readers of his creations, a rich palette of feelings and experiences.

Babur urges to avoid meaningless chatter, to express one’s thoughts briefly, clearly and simply, not to use words that the person himself does not understand. In particular, he notes: ”Write simpler, clearer and cleaner: and you will have less work for the one who reads”.

Undoubtedly, these lines from ”Babur-name” indicate that Babur’s poetic skill had a deep and tangible influence on the pictorial language of his prose work, which gave him great artistic beauty and wide popularity. Babur’s poetic skill is expressed in the artistic and literary style and the skillful use of the most expressive means of the native language, in the creative recreation of the sources of folk art.

Among the scientific works, a special place in the development of Eastern philology was played by his ”Treatise on Aruz” – the result of a thorough and professional study of the poetic foundations of poetry, the critical development of its achievements. Babur enriched the theory of prosody (the system of pronunciation of stressed and unstressed, long and short syllables in speech) with new phenomena, provisions and generalizations recorded by him, developed a classification of its types and variants.

He argues his views with materials from Arabic, Persian-Tajik and Turkic poetry. By this, the scientist shows not only the relationship and mutual influence of poetry, but also demonstrates the wide scope and inexhaustible poetic possibilities of the poetry of the Turkic-speaking peoples. Continuing the traditions of Alisher Navoi, he attached great importance to folk poetry. His work contains valuable information about the genres of folk song art and interesting ethnographic materials.

The famous ”Baburname” testifies to the history of the great Timurids, the struggle for the creation of a great power (the events of 1494-1529). The Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan has more than 10 manuscript versions of “Baburname”. On the basis of which the Babur scholar Porso Shamsiev, having compared several manuscripts, published a critical text (1960) of a brilliant work. The text of “Baburname” was also published by N. Ilminsky (1847), Beverizh (1905), Fitrat (fragments, 1928) and P. Shamsiev (1960).

In 1521, the philosophical and religious work “Mubayin” was written, which outlines the 5 foundations of Islamic Sharia, and in the same year he wrote a book on taxation ”Mubayin-l-zakot”. His scientific works “Kharb Ishi” (“Military Affairs”), “Music of Ilmi” (“Science of Music”) have not yet been found.

Babur, on the basis of Arabic graphics, compiled “Khatti Boburiy” (“Babur’s Letter”), suitable for Turkic phonetics. This letter rewrote the Koran and individual works of Babur himself.

He was also engaged in literary translation, in verse he translated the religious and philosophical work “Volidia”(“Parental Treatise”) by the greatest master of Sufism – Khoja Ahror Vali, a follower of Bahautdin Nakshbandi.

Members of the international scientific expedition to study Babur’s work organized several scientific trips in the poet’s “footprints”, discovered more than 500 books and documents that are stored in the memorial museum “Babur and his place in the civilizational world”. In Andijan, there is Babur Park, where there is a symbolic grave, as well as the Ark Ichi memorial complex.

Babur was one of the greatest men of his time. Creating one of the most powerful empires in the history of the East, he, nevertheless, remained an ardent patriot of his country at heart and the rest of his life tried to establish diplomatic and friendly ties with his native city of Andijan.

We are generation of Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur.

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Prepared senior teacher of "Languages" department
of Tashkent Islamic institute named after Imam al-Bukhari