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11 March, 2025   |   11 Ramaḍān, 1446

Tashkent city
11 March, 2025, 11 Ramaḍān, 1446

Chinese delegation visited Muslim Board of Uzbekistan

16.05.2018   20791   2 min.
Chinese delegation visited Muslim Board of Uzbekistan

On May 12, 2018 Chinese delegation headed by Hasan Yang Fa Ming, Chairman of Islamic Union of China visited Muslim Board of Uzbekistan. The guests were received by Sheikh Abdulaziz Mansur, Deputy Chairman of Muslim Board of Uzbekistan who opened the meeting with introductory speech about positive development in the religious sphere in our country.

In its turn Mr. Hasan Yang Fa Ming noted that there were more than 50 different nationalities living in China, among 30 million Muslims in China there were Uzbek, Uyghur, Huey, Kazak, Tatar, Tajik, Dunsyan, Salar, Boan and other nationalities. Almost half of Chinese live in Sinzhan-Uygur autonomous region. There are 30 thousand mosques and 10 Islamic educational establishments.  Chinese government pays equal attention to all religious representations and their activity is coordinated by the Committee for religious affairs. Islamic religious organizations are run by Chinese Islamic Association. This organization has more than 70 employees. Fetwas (religious relics) are based on Hanafi mazkhab with Moturidi creed. 99% of Chinese Muslims follow Hanafi mazkhab. Mr. Hasan Yang also mentioned that Chinese Muslims were pleased to see Uzbek delegation in the International Islamic Symposium held in Urumchi in 2016. The Chairman of Islamic Union of China expressed his gratitude for the warm reception, showed his readiness for partnership and cordially invited Muslim Board of Uzbekistan to visit China.

Nuriymon Abulhasan, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Religious Affairs and Firdavs Halilov, Deputy Director of the Center for Islamic Civilization also made informative speeches about the scope of activities carried out in the religious sphere.

The sides exchanged with gifts.

Press Service,

Muslim Board of Uzbekistan.



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Uzbek literature

15.05.2020   22901   2 min.
Uzbek literature

 Uzbek literature Literature and art of Uzbekistan is called one of the bright and wonderful pages of the history of the world artistic culture. Along with Egypt and Mesopotamia, Greece and Rome, India and China, Central Asia laid the foundations of human civilization. The emergence of a cultural phenomenon in Uzbekistan is mainly due to its geographical Mesopotamia, where agricultural centers have been location in the Central Asian formed since ancient times. Uzbek literature history The most ancient Uzbek oral literary works are over 200 epic poems, many legends, epic songs performed by folk poets - bakhshi. Heroes of folklore struggle with hostile forces evil spirits, dragons. The oldest cycle of epic poems Ker-ogly and the poem Alpamysh were written around the 10th century. Alpamysh went in the folklore of all the peoples of Central Asia. It talks about the courage of folk heroes, courage and hatred of enemies; it contains many witty aphorisms, vivid metaphors, colorful descriptions. Another popular work from the cycle Ker-ogly is a poem about the transforming power of love of Ravshan-Hon. Many times later it was processed by folk poets. The satirical novels of Nasreddin Afandi, in which the khans and bais are derided, are popular. In the oral Uzbek literature, people of different nationalities - Chinese, Iranian, Turkmen, Negro, etc., female images are devoid of sentimentality. In the XI century, many works are created, based on religious norms of Islamic morality. These are the instructive poems "Kugadau Bilig" ("Knowledge of Grace" or "Science of Happiness") by Yusuf Khas Hadjib Balasaguni, the poem "Khibat al-Khakaik" ("Gift of Truths") by Ahmad Yugnaki.

Prepeared by Imam Bukhari Tashkent Islamic Institute , Department of languages , English teacher     Kadirov Farrukh