A group of scholars in oriental and Islamic studies visited National Library of France and the Languages and Civilization Library of France in Paris in order to introduce French cultural circles with a wide range of developments in Uzbekistan reports UzA.
The main purpose of the visit was to get acquainted with the activity of libraries in France, preservation of rare manuscripts of our ancestors and establish partnership among the institutions. It is worth noting that Languages and Civilization Library is unique in France which has a department for Central Asian documents. The library has manuscripts, rare books and research works in more than 350 languages from around 180 countries. More than hundred students, researchers and guests visit the library daily.
The sides agreed on exchange of specialists and presentation of books published in Uzbekistan which was held the same day at the library where 15 books published by Imam Bukhari International scientific-research center was shown. The Uzbek delegation felt proud to hear Mr. Benjamin Gishar’s acknowledgment that Uzbekistan stood out among Central Asian countries with its rich scientific potential. He also mentioned that Imam Bukhari’s XVII century “Sahihi Bukhari”, Ibn Sina’s “The Laws of Treatment”, Mirzo Ulugbek’s “Ziji jadidi Kuragoni”, Mahmud Zamahshariy’s “Mukaddamatul adab” were among the true treasures of the libarary and in that respect French part was willing to cooperate with Uzbek specialists to study the manuscripts.
During the talks held in the National Library of France which has 31 million books it was concluded that specialists from Imam Bukhari International Research Center and The Center for Islamic Civilization in Uzbekistan would be given access to the manuscripts in order to get copies from VIII-XI centuries Qur’an, Imam Bukhari, Khorezmi, Beruniy and Fergani’s works in Arabic and Latin languages. Within the framework of “Cultural Employee” program two practitioners from Uzbekistan would be admitted for manuscript digitalization specialization.
Press Service,
Muslim Board of Uzbekistan
At the initiative of President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, the mosque that is being built in Chilanzar district will be named after Sheikh Muhammad Sadik Muhammad Yusuf.
The President of Uzbekistan visited the construction site of this mosque, in Tashkent.
Sheikh Muhammad Sadik Muhammad Yusuf was a scholar, not only well-known in Uzbekistan, but also recognized throughout the Islamic world, said Shavkat Mirziyoyev. He devoted his life to studying and promoting the foundations of our sacred religion, educating youth in the spirit of enlightened Islam.
Sheikh Muhammad Sadik Muhammad Yusuf in 1989, in a very difficult time, became chairman, mufti of the Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Central Asia and Kazakhstan. That period has a special place in the history as the time of revival of Islamic science, religious traditions and values. He made a great contribution to resolution of many unnecessary disagreements in those difficult years.
As mufti he conducted wide international activity, became able to establish and develop cultural and enlightenment ties with many Islamic countries.
Sheikh Muhammad Sadik Muhammad Yusuf as mufti and as a deputy of the Supreme Council of the former union introduced an appeal to the government, which set out issues of respecting the rights of Muslims, creating necessary conditions for them.
Coming out with such an initiative at a time when the totalitarian ideology was dominant, without a doubt, was a great feat, said President Shavkat Mirziyoyev. As a result, the Soviet government changed its policy towards Muslims, mosques and madrassas were opened, the number of pilgrims performing the Hajj increased. In 1990, 500 Muslims succeeded in performing the Hajj from the Central Asian republics through the city of Tashkent. This is a great result, considering that at that time only 20-30 people from the whole union went to the Hajj annually.
Sheikh Muhammad Sadik enjoyed great respect and authority among Muslims of the whole world. He was a member of such authoritative organizations as the Executive Bureau of the Assembly of Islamic Scholars and World Thinkers, the International Union of Muslim Scholars, the Muslim World League, the Royal Academy of Jordan. He was awarded the “Laurel of the Nile” gold medal of the Arab Republic of Egypt. It should be emphasized that no one in the history of modern Uzbekistan has reached such heights in the Islamic sciences as he did.
An outstanding scholar wrote more than 100 books on various religious and enlightenment themes. Wise words, conversations, speeches on radio and television, books, including audiobooks of the Sheikh took a firm place in the life of people of Uzbekistan.
With his profound knowledge, good instruction and exemplary activities, Sheikh Muhammad Sadik Muhammad Yusuf is an example of conscientious service for the sake of the Motherland and development of religion. Studying his life and scientific activity, familiarizing people with his heritage is an honorable duty.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, getting acquainted with the project of the mosque, noted the need for its further improvement, studying the proposals of the population and religious figures.