On February 26, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev had a telephone conversation with the President of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev, sincerely congratulating President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on his birthday, emphasized his efforts and great contribution to the development of friendly relations and strategic partnership, strengthening of mutually beneficial cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey.
During the conversation, the heads of the two states noted with deep satisfaction that fruitful meetings and negotiations within the framework of the high-level visit to the Republic of Turkey in October 2017 created a solid basis for further development of multifaceted and mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation and gave it concrete practical content.
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed his sincere gratitude to President Shavkat Mirziyoyev for his congratulations and good wishes. He emphasized that in the person of the President of Uzbekistan he had found a true friend and like-minded person in comprehensive strengthening of Uzbek-Turkish cooperation.
The sides agreed to fully implement concrete arrangements reached and agreements signed following the historic visit, including major joint projects in trade, investment, banking, finance, transport, tourism and other important spheres.
It was noted that it is important to organize a regular meeting of the Intergovernmental Joint Commission on trade and economic cooperation in order to discuss issues of preparation for the upcoming visit of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to the Republic of Uzbekistan and implementation of previous agreements.
During the conversation, the heads of the states considered in detail the prospects for further expansion of Uzbek-Turkish cooperation and exchanged views on current issues of the regional and international agenda.
At the end of the conversation, the heads of the states confirmed their readiness to comprehensively develop and strengthen the traditionally friendly ties and close cooperation between Uzbekistan and Turkey.
يقام معرض الخط العربي وأعمال فن النمنمة في بلادنا سنويا وذلك من خلال التعاون بين مؤسسة "الحرفي" وأكاديمية فنون أوزبكستان.
ومن المقرر إقامة المعرض الثالث للخط العربي وأعمال فن النمنمة بعنوان "عجائب القلم الساحر" خلال العام الحالي.
ويتوقع عرض أعمال الحرفيين العاملين في مجال الخط العربي وأعمال فن النمنمة من مختلف أنحاء أوزبكستان. ويشمل برنامج المعرض عقد المؤتمر العلمي التطبيقي حيث سيشارك مندوبو إدارة مسلمي أوزبكستان وأكاديمية فنون أوزبكستان ومركز الحضارة الإسلامية وأكاديمية علوم جمهورية أوزبكستان وأكاديمية توران للعلوم وممثلو البعثات الدبلوماسية للدول الأجنبية المعتمدة في أوزبكستان وقدماء مؤسسة "الحرفي" والخطاطون وأساتذة وطلبة مؤسسات التعليم العالي.
واليوم يتم تدريس مادة الخط العربي في جامعة طشقند الحكومية للدراسات الشرقية وأكاديمية أوزبكستان الإسلامية الدولية ومعهد كمال الدين بهزاد العالي للرسم والتصميم.
وكالة أنباء أوزبكستان،