“Islom Nuri” (“The light of Islam”) published by Muslim Board of Uzbekistan has started introducing a special section to teach Arabic under the title “Let’s study Quran” since January 15. Arabic lessons are developed by Ibodulla Akhroro, Deputy Rector of Tashkent Islamic Institute. For those who are interested in learning are advised to subscribe to our newspaper or visit one of the mosques in your locality.
Additionally, official web portal of Muslim Board of Uzbekistan “muslim.uz” is also offering online Arabic lessons once a week. Besides, “Islom Nuri” (“The light of Islam”) newspaper Muslim Board of Uzbekistan is publishing “Hidoyat” (“The right path”) journal as well.
Press Service,
Muslim Board of Uzbekistan
As it was informed earlier, Hadith Competition was going to be held after finishing Qur’an contest. The timetable for the hadith contest has already been set.
Tashkent stage of the Republican Contest on Hadith which is organized by Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, The Committee on religious affairs under the Cabinet of Ministers of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Higher and Secondary special education, Ministry of Public education, Uzbekistan Youth Union and Republican Center for enlightenment is going to be held on May 4-5.
Contest for female participants is on May 4th and for male contestants is on May 5th. Venue: Conference Hall of Uzbekistan Youth Union. (Premises of National University of Uzbekistan) Time: 9:00 a.m.
(Free entrance without invitation letters!)
Welcome to the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa sallollohu alayhi wasallam’s event! The place where hadith is being mentioned is equal to the place as if Muhammad sallollohu alayhi wasallam is talking!
Press Service,
Muslim Board of Uzbekistan