On January 25 Uzbekistan National University hosted the first meeting of scientific council of Islamic Academy. Academicians, scientists, professors, members of scientific councils and religious leaders participated in the event.
In his speech N.Ibrohimov noted that President’s decree on “Establishment of Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan” inspired many scholars working in this sphere. The Academy offers two-years master’s program and three years doctor’s program.
On his turn Muftiy Usmankhan Alimov underlined that the academy had been initiated by the President of Uzbekistan where “Quran Studies”, “Fikh sciences”, “Khadis sciences” and “Kalam science” will deeply researched by young scholars with the hope to educate scientists like Imam Bukhariy, Imam Termiziy, Abdulkholik Gijduvoniy and Bakhouddin Naqshband.
The participants also discussed the organizational issues of the new educational establishment.
Press Service,
Muslim Board of Uzbekistan
All women have rights just like men. For example, they can work, travel, and study. Islam also emphasizes the rights of women. We can see this in the lives of Sahabi women. Hadicha (r.a), Aisha (r.a), Fatima (r.a) and others can be role models for us. Women cannot be forced to do anything.
Woman is a mother. It is narrated from Talha bin Muawiya Sulami, may Allah be pleased with him: "O Messenger of Allah! I intend to fight in the way of Allah". The Messenger of God, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said: “Is your mother alive?” I said: "Yes". The Prophet said: “Take care of your mother’s feet (always be in her service), because paradise is there" (Narration of Imam Tirmidhi).
Many men don’t support the work or studies of women. This is true, but we need women in certain jobs. For example, many women prefer to go to female doctors, and men often want this too.