The regional rounds of Republican Qur’an Contest in Djizzak region ended in high spirit. The competition which is being held with the initiative of the President Shavkat Mirziyoyev was meant to discover new talents with the idea to support them in the future.
Here’s the list of winners.
The first qualifying area:
Winners in Hifz (Qur’an memorization):
18-25 years old participants:
1st place – Dovudov Muzaffar
26-40 years old participants:
1st place – Saidazimov Abdulhamid
2nd place – Nishonov Abdurauf
3rd place – Malikov Sanjar
Winners in Tilawat nomination:
18-25 years old participants:
1st place – Khidirboyev Khusan
2nd place – Rahmatullayev Muhammaddiyor
3rd place – Kholturayev Abdurrazzoq, Khushbokov Sayoriddin
26-40 years old participants:
1st place – Mahmudov Bayozkhon
2nd place – Abdullayev Olimjon
3rd place – Turdiyev Sanjar
The second qualifying area:
Winners in Hifz (Qur’an memorization):
26-40 years old participants:
1st place – Atabayev Izzatulloh
Winners in Tilawat nomination:
18-25 years old participants:
1st place – Khamidov Islmojon
2nd place – Elmurotov Doniyor
3rd place – Urazametov Sardor
26-40 years old participants:
1st place – Mirzayev Abdusamad
2nd place – Norbotirov Abbos
3rd place – Abdurahimov Doston
The first qualifying area:
18-25 years old participants:
1st place – Atabayeva Nafisa
2nd place – Rashidova Niso
3rd place – Ubaydullayeva Soliha
26-40 years old participants:
1st place – Mirzakulova Makhsuda
2nd place – Ismatullayeva Mekhriniso
3rd place – Isayeva Markhabo
The second qualifying area:
Winners in Hifz (Qur’an memorization):
26-40 years old participants:
1st place – Bozorova Yorqinoy
2nd place – Qirjigitova Bibioysha
3rd place – Hakimova Dilnoza
Press Service,
Muslim Board of Uzbekistan
These days as in all other spheres great number of works are carried out and positive developments are being observed in religious-enlightenment part as well. As a logical continuation of all the efforts to make the sphere better on April 16, 2018 President Sh. Mirziyoyev adopted the decree “On rational improvement of religious-enlightenment sphere” which has become a discussion object at International Press Club’s last session. It has lately become evident that one of the main principles and guarantees of establishing and preserving social stability and peace is achieved through education young generation based on the priceless historical heritage of our ancestors who preserved national and religious values, contributed to the world sciences and demonstrated multicultural solidarity and religious tolerance.
Only for the last one and a half year the following institutions were founded: Imam Bukhari International scientific-research center, Imam Termiziy International scientific-research center, Center for Islamic civilization, “Mir Arab” Higher Madrasah in Bukhara. Beside, Republican Schools of Kalam, Khadith, Aqeedah have also started their activity. In addition it is worth mentioning that quota for student admission has doubled. In this regard it should be noted that on September 13, 2017 Cabinet Ministers of Uzbekistan issued a decree on establishing “Khidoyat sari (Towards true path)” and “Ziyo media center”
The main and important standing column of the decree on rational improvement of religious-enlightenment sphere is “struggle against any form of violence by means of enlightenment and education of true and pure religious values, promoting the study of historical, religious and national values, promoting peace, religious tolerance and multicultural solidarity. It was noted that the roles and responsibilities of specialists working in religious sphere were very high in preserving peace and stability. For this reason training and preparing specialists is crucial. Thus Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan and Tashkent Islamic University were joined and reorganized into International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan. The Decree also foresaw the establishment of Hadith school, “Waqf Charity Fund” under Muslim Board of Uzbekistan, “Ziyo (The Light)” Media center would be raised under International Islamic Academy of Uzbekistan, etc.
A number of leading mass media representatives actively took part in the event with various interesting questions.
Press Service,
Muslim Board of Uzbekistan