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19 Сентябр, 2024   |   16 Рабиъул аввал, 1446

Тошкент шаҳри
19 Сентябр, 2024, 16 Рабиъул аввал, 1446

Before the GREAT ACTION ...

13.10.2017   4874   4 min.
Before the GREAT ACTION  ...

An international scientific-practical conference on "Islamic solidarity: on the example of the peoples of Uzbekistan-Azerbaijan" will be held in Tashkent on October 17-22, 2017.

The representatives from Azerbaijan, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan will participate in this conference.

In order to perform this conference at the highest level, the Committee of Religious Affairs of Uzbekistan worked out the project of visits and submitted it to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

The program of the international scientific-practical conference on "Islamic solidarity: on the example of the peoples of Uzbekistan-Azerbaijan", which will be held on October 18th , has been submitted to the Azerbaijan side and reviewed after their opinions and suggestions.

Presently, the preparations for the conference are being continued in the following areas:

In order to carry out organizational work of the conference, the Working Group’s staff was established in the International Relations Department of the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan. The Staff members are scheduled to work 24 hours a day from October 15 - 23;

The" Palace of Symposiums" in the capital will be decorated with the spirit of the conference;

The conference organizers are collecting and publishing the texts of speeches delivered by speakers;

Samarkand and Bukhara regions are thoroughly prepared for the conference;

The conference will be attended by about 900 people. They include representatives of state and public organizations of our country, members of the religious community, representatives of religious confessions functioning in the republic, ambassadors of foreign states and foreign guests;

The Religious Committee, the Muslim Board of Uzbekistan and the Tashkent State Islamic University will put into service their transport means to serve the remarkable guests;

 Issuing visas for foreign visitors, planning to place conference participants at the "Symposium Palace" have been worked out jointly with relevant organizations.

The organizers of the conference  prepared brief cases with emblems of the conference,  published the international conference materials, such as books, magazines, brochures, pens, pencils and workbooks that promote reforms  and achievements in the religious sphere of Uzbekistan.

The "Palace of Symposiums" is decorated with flowers. Different kind of drinks, lunch and coffee breaks are organized;

The Imam-Khatibs of the capital will assist the Imam-Khatibs from the provinces to meet and see them off at the airport of the capital, accommodate  in hotels, participate in the conference;

The conference will be broadcast in Uzbek, Russian, English and Arabic languages and news, articles and videos will be published in mass media and Internet.

The conference preparatory process and its implementation are transmitted online in social networks;

An exhibition of books will be organized at the "Symposiums" palace, and the press releases will be prepared and disseminated;

The emblems, banners and leaflets are prepared for the conference and foreign visitors will be provided with translators;

The conference lecture texts are collected and published.

Preparatory work for the international conference is in the moment of culmination. The guests from many countries, representatives of many religious confessions are expected to attend in the conference and it is our great task to explane to them the essence of the reforms being implemented in our country.

Ўзбекистон янгиликлари
Бошқа мақолалар

Инсонлар дардига малҳам бўлиш – улкан саодат!

18.09.2024   1238   1 min.
Инсонлар дардига малҳам бўлиш – улкан саодат!

Ҳафтанинг ҳар чоршанба куни Ўзбекистон мусулмонлари идораси тизимида фуқароларни қабул қилиш куни этиб белгиланган. Ушбу хайрли анъана Рабиул аввал (мавлид) ойида ҳам қизғин давом этмоқда. 

Бугун, 18 сентябрь, фазилатли чоршанба куни Ўзбекистон мусулмонлари идораси раиси ўринбосари Муҳаммадолим домла Муҳаммадсиддиқов Диний идорага мурожаат ва таклифлар билан келган фуқароларни қабул қилди.

Қабулда юртимизнинг турли ҳудудларидан, хусусан, Қорақалпоғистон Республикаси, Самарқанд, Қашқадарё, Тошкент, Андижон,  Наманган вилоятлари ҳамда Тошкент шаҳридан келган ҳар бир фуқаронинг шаръий масала, умра сафари, диний таълим, Қуръон курслари ва моддий ёрдам каби масалалардаги арз, муаммо ва таклифлари тингланди ва уларнинг ечими бўйича амалий чоралар кўрилди.

Хусусан, оилавий муносабатларда келганларга муаммолар ечими бўйича маслаҳатлар, шаръий масалалар ечими юзасидан тавсиялар ва моддий ёрдам сўраганларга белгиланган тартибда кўмак берилди. Масжид ва имомлар фаолияти, диний таълим ва умрага оид мурожаатлар кўриб чиқиш учун Идора бўлимларига тегишли вазифалар юкланди.

Самимий қабулдан мамнун бўлган фуқаролар Ўзбекистон мусулмонлари идораси раҳбариятига ўз ташаккурларини изҳор этдилар.

Бу каби қабул жараёнлари ҳафтанинг ҳар чоршанба куни Ўзбекистон мусулмонлари идорасининг ҳудудлардаги вакилликларида ҳам амалга оширилмоқда.

Ўзбекистон мусулмонлари идораси 
Матбуот хизмати

Инсонлар дардига малҳам бўлиш – улкан саодат! Инсонлар дардига малҳам бўлиш – улкан саодат! Инсонлар дардига малҳам бўлиш – улкан саодат! Инсонлар дардига малҳам бўлиш – улкан саодат! Инсонлар дардига малҳам бўлиш – улкан саодат! Инсонлар дардига малҳам бўлиш – улкан саодат! Инсонлар дардига малҳам бўлиш – улкан саодат!
Ўзбекистон янгиликлари